Professional Regulation and Discipline

For professionals, including educators, health care professionals, lawyers and their associations, the relationship with their governing college is crucial. Increasingly, professionals find themselves at the centre of complaints, which may stem in part from systemic inadequacies in our health and education institutions.

We ensure professionals seeking registration, facing complaints, or facing allegations of incompetence or incapacity before their College, Society or governing body, are aware of their rights, and that those rights are fully protected throughout the process. Our lawyers make creative use of alternative dispute mechanisms offered by governing bodies. For foreign professionals, we have developed strategies to overcome barriers to recognition of their credentials. We also assist professional associations in their dealings with the colleges and governing bodies. Our lawyers also assist professional associations in their dealings with the colleges and governing bodies, providing policy, legislative and strategic advice as well as representation before government-appointed reviewers.

We also provide prosecutorial services and independent legal counsel to professional colleges.

Our professional regulation and discipline services include:

  • submissions to Complaints and Executive Committees;
  • representation before Fitness to Practice Committees, Registration Committees and Discipline Committees;
  • representation on reviews to the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board;
  • court litigation arising from regulatory proceedings or practices;
  • representation at all related proceedings, such as inquests where a professional’s practice or right to practice may be challenged or circumscribed;
  • representation on Quality Assurance and Practice Reviews;
  • representation on OHIP reviews; and
  • policy and legal advice on professional governance, discipline issues and legislative reform.

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Sending an email to Cavalluzzo LLP does not create a solicitor-client relationship with the firm, nor does it create a reasonable expectation that the firm undertakes to provide legal advice or legal representation.


Related Cases

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The Regional Municipality of Waterloo (Sunnyside Home) and Ontario Nurses' Association

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27 November 2018

Slansky v. Canada

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30 April 2013

Douglas v. Canada

Douglas v. Canada (Attorney General), 2013 FC 451 In July 2010, Alexander Chapman filed a complaint with the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC), allegin...
23 June 2010

Canadian Civil Liberties Association v. Toronto Police Service

Canadian Civil Liberties Association v. Toronto Police Service, 2010 ONSC 3525. Long Range Acoustical Devices (“LRAD”), colloquially descr...

Related Resources

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Cavalluzzo LLP is very pleased to announce that Tyler Boggs has joined our partnership. We wish him ...
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Patricia D'Heureux teaches at ETFO’s Professional Boundaries course.
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Self-Regulated Professionals may be Subject to Remediation or Discipline for Making Discriminatory or Degrading Public Statements

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A recent decision from the College of Psychologists of Ontario's Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee ("ICRC") has been upheld, which is a remi...
Blog/25 August 2023

Self-Regulated Professionals may be Subject to Remediation or Discipline for Making Discriminatory or Degrading Public Statements

Advice for Self-Regulated Professionals

A recent decision from the College of Psychologists of Ontario's Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee ("ICRC") has been upheld, which is a remi...
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Cavalluzzo LLP is very pleased to announce that Tyler Boggs has joined our partnership.

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News/10 January 2022

New Partner Announcement

Cavalluzzo LLP is very pleased to announce that Aminah Hanif and Lauren Sheffield have joined our partnership.

Cavalluzzo LLP is very pleased to announce that Aminah Hanif and Lauren Sheffield have joined our partnership.
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New Partner Announcement

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Patricia D'Heureux teaches at ETFO’s Professional Boundaries course.
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“Professional Regulation and the Duty to Accommodate: ‘Undue Hardship’ in the Context of a Public Protection Mandate”, Ontario Bar Association, Annual Update on Human Rights 2014

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