Pepsi Underpaid Holiday Pay

Class Action/
Jul 20, 2024
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The law firms of Roy O’Connor LLP, Cavalluzzo LLP and Whitten & Lublin PC have commenced a proposed class action lawsuit on behalf of the proposed representative plaintiff David Caissy against Pepsi Co. Canada.

The proposed class action alleges that over a number of years Pepsi failed to properly pay commissioned Route Sales Representative from across Canada with holiday pay as required under provincial and territorial employment standards legislation.

Next Steps

The Plaintiff will move for the certification of this action as a class proceeding. The date of that certification hearing will be posted to this site as soon as it fixed by the Court.

Register For More Information

If you believe that you may be a class member in this proceeding and wish to receive information from time to time about the status of the lawsuit, you may request such information by filling in the form at: The Registration Page.

Further updates about this action will be posted to website as the case develops.

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