We are very pleased to announce that eleven Cavalluzzo LLP lawyers have been recognized in the 2022 Edition of Best Lawyers for their demonstrated excellence in the legal profession. “Lawyer of the Year” is awarded to lawyers with the highest peer feedback for a specific practice area and geographic region. Below is a breakdown of recognition:
Philip Abbink for Administrative and Public Law and Labour and Employment Law
Jeffrey Andrew for Labour and Employment Law
David Bloom for Labour and Employment Law
Janet Borowy for Labour and Employment Law
Paul J.J. Cavalluzzo for Administrative and Public Law, Appellate Practice, and Labour and Employment Law
Cynthia Crysler for Employee Benefits Law
Bernie Hanson for Labour and Employment Law
Kate A. Hughes for Labour and Employment Law
Stephen Moreau for Labour and Employment Law
Adrienne Telford for Aboriginal Law, Administrative and Public Law, and Labour and Employment Law
Sheilagh Turkington for Labour and Employment Law
Cavalluzzo LLP has also been named the 2022 “Law Firm of the Year” for expertise in Labour and Employment Law. The “Law Firm of the Year” awards firms for their work in a specific legal practice nationwide. It is determined by a number of factors, which includes the firm’s reputation as an expert in this area.
Congratulations to all lawyers and firms recognized!